domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

There's no return...

The cold world in which we live
is about to surrender
about to explode in million pieces of hate and anger
The world of hatred in which we walk
is about to change its course and history
For humanity is no longer alive
nothing shall survive
Men will strive and die
For what they've done to this world...
Their own world
The beautiful, but damaged world of which we stare
is about to crack in two,
about to break, about to lose
cause there are no more weapons to win this war
There's no more cause... No more laws
Nothing to follow
Nothing to seek for
There's no more love, or peace, or what for...
And now we cry
for what we've done
But now it's gone... There's no return...
So we just wait for our own fate
The fate we chose, we made, we imposed
And that's what we wanted after all
We are a plague
We are THE one
We came to destroy, to smash, to burn...
We blame everyone, even God, but us
The world we know, or knew, or had known one day
Is no longer here, nothing could stay
It was so perfect, so stable, so self sustained
but then we came
and ended with it
The world we pretended to love
is about to disappear
And now we fear
for ourselves
But there's no way to change what's done
The world we thought we loved
is condemned
There's no return...

Um comentário:

Ainda sem saber disse...

Predadores de nós mesmos. Só tomamos a consciência quando essa já não pode mais ser aplicada, pobres seres humanos, se acham tão espertos com suas filosofias, com suas crenças, mas não souberam pensar no mais substancial, no mais essencial para um futuro possível...E agora nos vemos com os olhos abertos para tudo, sabendo de todos os erros que cometemos, mas não temos respostas para convertê-los em acertos...O que voê propõe? Suicídio não fisicamente, já está acontecendo em algum nível, nos anulando e nos submetendo a falsas emergências para a sobrevivência, e esquecemo-nos que tudo era tão mais simples...